Description of the issue: Framedrops occure / video stutter when hardware acceleration is activated.
How can this issue be reproduced? - Just start a stream on twitch or video on youtube and look at the video statistics.
Expected result: dropped frames will constantly rise.
**Brave Version( check About Brave): Version 1.67.123 Chromium: 126.0.6478.126 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
Additional Information:
Running on Windows 11 64bit with an Nvidia RTX 4070 - tried different driver versions for the graphicscard. In the first place I had a driver from Oct 23 installed with this one it worked fine. Had to update bc I got a new game which crashed constantly with the old driver - works now with the new one. But now I have this issue with video playback.
Driver Versions tested:
Studio 555.85
Studio 555.99
GameReady 556.12
Always did a fresh install - uninstalled the “old” driver with DDU (Display Driver Uninstallier) first before installing another one.
No matter what driver I use it always is the same - the video stutters / has a lot of dropped frames. As soon as I turn off the hardware acceleration the videos/streams work normal - no dropped frames anymore.
If you need further infor let me know.
Must be a Brave issue - just tested with the normal Chrome Browser (installed it only for the test ) and there is no issue with the video playback.
@reallocutus tends to be NVIDIA settings. Have you taken the time to see how it’s set for Brave?
Most people reporting issues have come back to advise they had to adjust MFAA as the primary problem. Then some others had issues due to Background Application Max Frame Rate being enabled.
The list kind of goes on. Just like how at one point NVIDIA and Razer both saw Brave as a game instead of a web browser. It’s been so long since I’ve had to adjust settings that I’m not sure if they ever fixed that.
But to show mine:
Other thing I’ll ask, are you running in the background or saying it’s dropping frames just from you sitting and watching?
Thanks for the hints. I checked the Settings in Nvidia Control Panel. MFAA was already globally set to off - but I changed the max. framerate setting from 60 to off. And it seems that it is now working as it should be. I watched a stream for a few minutes and got 5 dropped frames in total - with the old settings I would have had hundreds of dropped frames after a few minutes.
So after testing it for a few minutes it looks like it is solved. I will have an eye on it and if it occures again I will let you know.
Lastly, for Brave, I had asked you about if running in background or sitting and watching because that plays a significant part in dropped frames. If on other tabs, I’ll have some dropped frames but usually good if I’m just watching.
Regardless, two things within Brave I’d advise you to check on:
Go to brave://flags and disable Vulkan. When I’ve enabled this, my performance sucks. I could leave it to default but I like making sure it never comes up, as it had been problematic
Go to brave://settings/system and make sure Memory Saver is off. I’ll show full settings for the System menu I have below…as I’m not sure if things like allowing to run in the background might have impacts either
I mean, Memory Saver can be helpful if you’re using a ton of open tabs. But if you’re like me and hardly use many, then having them active as much as possible is helpful and kind of makes sure Brave isn’t taking memory away from any videos or whatever.
The only setting I changed was the FPS limit - everything else is on default and also set to use “Global setting” for brave. I normally limit my fps to 60 bc my monitor can’t show more anyways so there is no need to stress the graphics card more than needed.
I have no special apps running in the background - only the “standard” things like discord and steam. And I normally don’t use a lot of tabs at the same time. When watching a stream or video then maybe 1-3 tabs not more.
G-Sync is not supported by my monitor.
I will have a look into this vulcan thing.
Memory saver is deactivated - no need to activate 32GB of Ram should be enough