I am unable to log into usbank.com account. After a long period of waiting, I get a message that says “Sorry, we’re experiencing unusually high traffic. Please wait a few minutes and try again.” Yet Firefox works perfectly. I have tried dozens of times. I have tried adjusting settings but don’t know if there is one tweak I can do to fix this.
The expected result is to get logged into the bank. I have had this account for 25 years and never have a problem with Firefox.
Related to this, I also have a mishap with carbmanager.com. When opening windows within the site, the windows are truncated and I can’t complete or save any operations.
I disabled trackers and ads blocking AND GUESS WHAT!! IT WORKED! I did not however continue on to actually log into the bank. And the issue with carbmanager.com remains a problem.
Now that the tracking and ads is disabled, will I be tracked and have more ads? Wouldn’t that would defeat the purpose of having this new shiny browser?
Can you re-enable Ads and trackers on usbank, and attempt to re-login. When it fails, copy the urls listed in Ads and tracker being blocked and paste here
I re-enabled the add/tracking and now it keeps telling me my password is wrong – I know it is correct. I used the same information to log in with Firefox. When having issues with Brave and logging into my bank, sometimes this message has appeared as well as the other one saying they were too busy so this one is not unfamiliar.
So I disabled the ads/tracking again and I could successfully login.
Here is the copy of the shield information
And this one. I experimented with this and turned off the Shield for this site and I could log into my account. Are the shields turned off for just this one account, or are they turned off for everything?