sorry i miss read, cant you buy btc on
The wallet doesnt support btc thats why its an invaid address
Well, this is great.
OK, how can I get rid of this BAT?
And I still want to make a purchase, once I can dump this BAT and exchange/buy bitcoin.
I need a wallet to do put bitcoin into a and buy from.
I doubt I’ll even need it again, but who knows. Bare bones/free preferred. And from a laptop, not mobile.
you would need to send it to a site/exchange and swap or sell it there. there will be fees to send or swap . coinbase or binance are 2 examples. you will need to create an account ,submit identity and add a bank account
well, signed-up on Exodus, so I could transfer and swap there, when I try to send BAT (which is accepted on Exodus) it says I have insufficient funds, even if I only attempt to send 25% (of 154).
this is beyond ridiculous.
I don’t see Brave here trying to help.
This is 75%
Hi, let me try to help. Unfortunately, these are the birthing pains of the crypto space in general and not an issue per se with the brave wallet. Crypto is still such a niche space and can be overly complex.
As some have mentioned, you probably purchased BAT instead of BTC. It’s correct that BTC isn’t compatible with brave wallet because the wallet supports the ETH network. BTC would sorta be like an illegal immigrant barred from entering LOL.
Others are right too, that if you want BTC, buy it directly from a BTC-supported wallet or transact using a cryptocurrency exchange.
Now, if you want to exchange your existing BAT for BTC you will have to do the following:
- Fund your Brave Wallet with ETH. ETH is the currency that pays for all transaction fees on the Ethereum network (sort of how USD is paid for everything in the US and British Pounds in the UK). The reason why it says your transaction is failed, even if you have more than sufficient BAT, is because you have 0 ETH. I suggest funding it with around $200 worth of ETH because as you can see from your screenshot, fees are exorbitant on the network. Before you fund your wallet, best to do another failed transaction first to estimate how much ETH it would cost to move everything.
- Once your wallet has ETH, you can send your BAT to wherever you want. I suggest sending it to a centralized exchange like Coinbase because from there, it’s quite easy to swap your BAT for BTC.
- Swap BAT for BTC on Coinbase
- Send your BTC to your wallet of choice. I see you have bitcoin dot org, so that works.
Crypto is hella complicated but that’s essentially how I would do it if I were in your situation. The whole process may honestly not be worth it but that’s up to you to decide. Let me know if some of what I said is confusing or you would need me to further elaborate on the steps.
Thanks Doug! Unfortunately I’ve spent the past couple hours learning what you just explained.
Now, you’d think I could simply use my wallet, and wyre to purchase eth, just like I has the BAT.
Nope, now it won’t go through, tried it twice.
I’ve never seen such …I’m sure the the site sensor wouldn’t allow me to call it what it is.
Borderline theft is all it is. $26 (but won’t even work) to get my own money out of my own wallet.
Damn, that sucks… Honestly, I suggest leaving the BAT for the time being. Anyway, it should be safe in your wallet. In the meantime, may be good to familiarize yourself with crypto exchanges as they are the best way to purchase crypto with minimal fees.
What is the error that you get, when you try to buy Ethereum on Wyre? Also make sure you have private keys of your account that holds BAT in addition to seed phrase that you would have saved while creating Brave wallet.
To get private key go to brave://wallet/crypto/accounts
select the account and click on the small barcode or pencil icon which will open a box to show your private key.
Hello i got paid from november but i didnt see in my brave wallet. Thank you for help
No error, just never appeared on my bank so I could provide the transaction numbers to confirm with wyre.
Tried again this morning and it worked, and evidently the few other pre-authorizations went through at some point as well.
Bought eth this AM, and (hopefully) transferred BAT out of the joke Brave calls a wallet. I just hope I have better luck with the transfer than I’ve had up to this point.
I’m not holding my breath.
ERC-20 Token Transfer Error (Unable to locate corresponding Transfer Event Logs), Check with Sender.
And there it is. Why should I have expected anything less than more problems…
Did you try to withdraw 100% of BATs? Can you try putting some numbers manually like 70 or 80 BATs and then withdraw or just ensure that there are not too many decimal digits?
Also double check withdrawal address of BAT.
Can you paste screenshot of the error where you see?
Yes, because I want it all out of Brave. It gives the options of 25-50-75-100%.
Wouldn’t the withdraw address be automatically my wallet address? Why would it be different? I don’t have to manually enter it, and there’s no place to do do.
The error is on my Etherscan page.
I don’t know what numbers are safe to show, so I’m leery of posting too much info on the internet.
If I click on the txn Hash, the following page has this:
One says success, and the other claims error.
Makes no sense at all. In my Brave wallet, still shows 100% of my BAT still there.
Where are you sending your BAT? You would need to copy the wallet address of the receiving wallet and paste it into the Brave Wallet when indicating where to send it to.
Exodus. That was exactly what I did.
This all seem to simply be a money tree for these people. They deny the transaction, but you still pay for it. That’s a rip-off!
Whenever there is an ERC-20 token transfer might have failed error, the amount/token the sender sent does not leave the sender address but the “Gas Fee” is deducted.
The main reasons are on the contract & token failure nature. Below are the most common reasons why an ERC-20 token transfer might have failed:
"1. The Token contract is locked or paused (tokens are not transferable yet).The variables include: minting, mintingFinished, paused, transferable, transferableStartTime, paused, locked
The sending From address has an insufficient token balance. Please ensure that the sending address has enough balance of the transferring token before sending token to another address
Token contract does not emit a Transfer event even though the balance is actually deducted (Not fully ERC-20 Compliant). The token contract of a specific token does not provide a valid transfer event log thus causing the transaction to fail. This issue is due to the compliance policy toward ERC-20 tokens.
For additional assistance, please contact the sender/transaction creator directly for more information."
What the real obvious thing here is? Brave isn’t interested in assisting me in correcting this mess, they’re simply setting back taking my money.
When the transaction failed the first time, was your ETH deducted? If it was, my sense is that gas fees were insufficient and thus failed to push through… However, in failed transactions, gas fees are not refunded. That’s just how it is in crypto, sadly. Check out to see what the recommended gwei is per transaction. (gwei is to eth as cents is to USD). In the interface where you are about to send your crypto, select “edit” on the gas fees tab. Make sure that the gwei that is set is on par, or higher than what is recommended on the website I just linked.
DougCrew can be right. It could be that Gas fee is low. But Brave mostly recommends decent Gas price for transaction to go through. You can increase it as explained by Doug, by clicking Edit
as seen here-
Sometimes Balance is rounded off to nearest decimal on the higher side, so withdrawing 100% may cause funds to look insufficient. You can manually enter any amount that you wish to withdraw maybe just keep a single decimal digit.