Cannot use Settings to change Search Engine

Just d/led and installed Brave and cannot figure out how to change search from Google to DuckDuckGo or another. I am logged in to Brave and Settings does not give me any option to select or change search engines. Thanks for the attention. Settings only has Profile Name, Import Bookmarks (I did this from Firefox), Default Browser (have not yet made Brave default), and some On Startup Options. There is no ‘change search engine’ option. I di make DuckDuckGo a startup page.

Can you please tell me what Operating System you’re using? Is this on mobile or on desktop?

oopps! So sorry. Using a desktop with Win10. :slight_smile: Thanks for the quick reply, Mattches!

and going out to dinner with family and friends…back in 2-3 hours.

You can change your default search by going to Menu --> Settings --> Search engine --> Manage search engines

Settings only has Profile Name, Import Bookmarks (I did this from Firefox), Default Browser (have not yet made Brave default), and some On Startup Options. There is no ‘change search engine’ option. (I wrote that above.) Do I not have something else not set up to get full “settings”?

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on the left side of the screen you would see the search engine

or you can directly go to brave://settings/search enter this in the url part

Yeah I’m a bit confused here – can you share a screenshot of your Settings page please?

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Sorry to be so curt, but I am not loving this “Brave” after an hour or two’s use, Maybe not ready for prime time. I’ve been ding this for more than a few years…like I am proud I am a Septuagenarian and still building my own desktops every few years. And being a bit short-tempered these days with snowflakes and liberals and the like, I really hate YouTube and Google - hate big Government, too - but would love to see it take down some of these tech folks that are far too big for their britches nowadays. Wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season. IT LOOKS LIKE I just needed to go out of Brave - actually shut the PC down - and when I reentered I saw a proper Settings menu. My problem is solved…I was just to aggressive and impatient. THANKS, again.

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No worries – glad you were able to resolve this.

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