Cannot scan the QR to join sync chain

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**Description of the issue: Cannot scan the Sync QR code

**Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. Open Brave on new phone and select sync > select scan QR code
2. In old phone, open Brave and sync > add new mobile > QR code

  1. Scan the QR code

**Reproduces how often: all the time, tried both phone and PC

**Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu): 1.56.14

**Type of devices currently running on the Sync chain in question: Phone and PC

Additional Information: My new phone is Pixel 6a, I have added my phone previously but need to to do factory reset when sent it back to technical support. Now I tried to add it again but could not do it. Android version is 13, build TQ3A.230705.001

It is weird. So it just doesn’t do anything when you try to scan the QR or does any error code show up ?

@black_cat1 your description doesn’t let us know what your issue is. Such as if you’re able to go through all the steps but then getting an error, if it’s just not opening to scan, or what? This makes it a bit difficult to offer assistance. That said, I’d suggest you check the links below as most likely you’ll have some answers in them.

I use the scan QR code function. Basically, when I point the camera to scan the QR, it just does not accept the QR and also did not threw any error.

Btw, I used the sync code generated from my old phone and it added successfully :slight_smile:

But I did not see my old tabs from old Brave appeared in new Brave, is that normal?