Description of the issue:
You cannot log into any Google service, e.g.
How can this issue be reproduced?
Open Brave browser.
In the Search|URL field, type the URL of any google service, e.g.
The page redirects to which displays this message:
We’ve detected a problem with your cookie settings.
Enable cookies
Make sure that your cookies are enabled. To enable cookies, follow [these browser-specific instructions]
Clear cache and cookies
If you have cookies enabled but are still having trouble, [clear your browser’s cache and cookies]
Adjust your privacy settings
If clearing your cache and cookies doesn’t resolve the problem, try adjusting your browser’s privacy settings. If your settings are on high, manually add to your list of allowed sites. [Learn more]
… <
Expected result:
Error page does not appear and login completes successfully.
Brave Version
Version 0.68.139 Chromium: 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows 10 Home v1803, build 17139.829
Additional Information:
This error has already been posted. (The post was closed, so I could not add this post to it as a comment.) The only (unhelpful) answer state that cookies settings needed to be changed in Chromium (?) and also in Shields.
How do you set the Chromium settings? What settings does Google require and how can you make them specifically to all Google sites?
I have no problem with Google sites with Brave running on Ubuntu 18.04.3, but from memory I believe that is an earlier release than that I am using on Windows. I am using the Duck Duck Go search engine on both OSes.