Can’t view cart when attempting to use

When attempting to view cart after adding an item for purchase, the web site indicates that a problem has occurred. I couldn’t find a workaround even after going “shields down”. The same site works in Safari. This occurred on the iPhone version of the application.



Yes (mobile safari)

IOS 12.4, Brave Version 1.11 (

Can you tell me what your Shields settings are set to for Is that the only thing that does not work for the site?

Could you test on Brave Desktop? does the same issue occur there also?

Hi all:

It seems to work on Brave Desktop, even with shields up.

On mobile, it was failing with Shields down, so I guess the “shields setting is ‘off’”.


Can you visit, open your Shields panel (click the lion icon in the address bar) and tell me what settings you have configured? You can take a screenshot of the page with the Shields panel open to make it easier:

Very strange behavior here.
Would you mind flipping that toggle on the panel to “on” so that Shields are active on the site, then sending a similar screenshot while Shields are active?

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