Brave "verify wallet Withdraw funds links not working

I currently have Brave rewards on Imac (macOS High Sierra 10.13.6), Windos 10 (brand new) resktop and also Samsung Android (Galaxy s20). I’ve synced all three.

  1. On Imac rewards show 52.000 BAT (42.04 USD).
    When I click "Withdraw funds, verify wallet or Your brave wallet is powered by Uphold (Verify) link - nothing happens - The link does not work And I have logged into my Uphold account to see if that would trigger the Brave link but nothing.

  2. On my Windows pc the Rewards show .500 BAT (0.41USD) - Even though this is synced with the Imac and the Android
    When I click "Withdraw funds, verify wallet or Your brave wallet is powered by Uphold (Verify) link - A window opens - It says that I need to have minimum 25 BAT to create uphold account…And if I already have an Uphold account to login. - So when I click the “Login” link nothing happens And I have logged into my Uphold account to see if that would trigger the Brave link but nothing.

On the Galaxy S20 - when I click the “Claim rewards” button I get an endless spinning ball. Also it shows a different reward amount than the imac and the PC.

  • So how do I fet the links working to move the rewards into my Uphold wallet?
  • Is it possible to sync activity across the devices or does that have to be separate and even then how do I get my Uphold wallet working on any of the devices?

This screeshot is taken from my Imac 3/13/2021

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Thanks for reaching out. I’m looking into the Login button being unresponsive right now – not sure this is a known issue.

For your Android device, can you please try performing a SafteyNet check and ensure that your device passes it?

Can you also confirm what Brave version you’re using on each platform?

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I’m having the same problem with unresponsive “Verify Wallet”, “Add Funds”, “Withdraw Funds”, and “Your brave wallet is powered by Uphold (Verify)” buttons on the Brave Rewards settings page. Nothing at all happens when I click the links.

The page looks almost exactly like the OP’s screenshot (other than different BAT/USD numbers). I had previously verified and linked to my Uphold Wallet, and the Brave integration still shows up in my Uphold account.

Windows 10
Version 1.22.71 Chromium: 89.0.4389.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Also experiencing this issue. I cannot verify my Uphold wallet because the links are all unresponsive.

I havent had a chance to try the android app safetynet but will in the next day or 2 - here is my bravo version info

Version 1.22.71 Chromium: 89.0.4389.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)

P.S. each one is up to date as well.

Can anyone here experiencing this issue confirm for me what region they’re located in?

I’m in the UK and experiencing this issue.
Running on MacBook with Brave version 1.22.71

i am in Nigeria, i have same issue.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I am in upstate NY. Is it related to the whole Uphold/NY BitLicense thing? It seems like I should get some kind of message when trying to click those links rather than their not being responsive at all.

Same here in NYC. I’ve read many of the same posts from other users. I’ve started a few myself. A bunch of people having the same exact problem and it HAS been reported. The support team asks for some details and then never gets back to anybody. Sad.

Support team is doing our best, thanks :slight_smile:

I opened an issue for this a while ago and am waiting for devs to review and resolve:

Since it has been a week, I also tagged a few team members in the thread to hopefully get more eyes on it. I do appreciate everyone’s patience.

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Thanks for working on this.
I just opened your github link and checked on a couple of the notes posted by Miyayes.
I’m not too familiar with the JS inspection, but it looks like the only error/warning on my rewards settings page is this:

“polymer_bundled.min.js:1 Could not find style data in module named br-shared-style
stylesFromModule @ polymer_bundled.min.js:1”

Also, checking my wallet info through brave://rewards-internals shows
“Key info seed: Valid” as well as a wallet payment ID and a 12/2018 creation date.
Then it shows the current rewards balance data.
“External wallet info
Wallet status: No wallet”

I am also in New York. Would appreciate any information as to a fix here as it becomes available.

Is this ever going to be fixed?

I’ve had this problem for a long time now, 3-5 months. I’m also in NY.

Thanks for looking into it!

I am in New York too and have the same issue can’t verify my wallet or withdraw and I am also losing bat rewards for some reason.

I also am losing BAT. I used to have about $90 in BAT and now am down to around $40 in BAT

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