Brave rewards not increasing despite viewing ads

Started using Brave recently on my desktop, and it was working fine, however, today I am seeing ads still popping up, but never getting credited to brave rewards for viewing them.

These ads are not showing in the history either (which I’m assuming is why they are not being credited). Mobile app still working normally, appears to only be an issue on my desktop (windows 10)

edit: this is only an issue for sponsored images. Notifications appear to be popping up and functioning correctly.


Hi evereybody, I´m having the same problem. I´m clicking on the ads, but I´m not receiving any bats.
I´ve already deleted the cookies and the cache, but it didn´t worked.
¿Can you tell me what´s happening?



i have the same prob. i hope the new update fix it


@Christiand You don’t have to click on the ads. Are you referring to the sponsored images (that you see when you open a new tab) or the notification ads (that pop up in the lower right corner of your desktop/laptop screen or in your phone/table notifications tray), or both?

When did the issue start?

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it happened yesterday for me.but after 24hours its back I started to receive viewing ads and bats

I think that it started today. I 've realized in the afternoon.

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Yep, same time for me

The ads that appear in the lower left corner in my notebook’s screen.

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So you are still seeing the notification ads but not receiving BAT for them? If that’s the case, then I will defer to @Mattches or @steeven on this issue. @Christiand I recommend that you start your own thread, since your issue is different from the OP’s.

Hello, it seems that now it’s already fixed. I will check what happens tonight, and let you know.
Thanks for your help.

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Yeah, definitely not getting credited for most sponsored images that are being shown:

can’t even see the gala games one in the history:

Yes, that is the case

Can you please send me a DM with your wallet payment ID, found on your brave://rewards-internals page?

I have the same problem too since 2 days ago on both my home PC and work PC. I am receiving ads but BAT is not increasing.

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I’ve gotten the same problem for a month now. I couldn’t count how many ads I’ve seen on the home page (when opening new tabs) and have not been paid for. It seems to be working for my friends, but I’m still stuck here with 2 or 3 ads a day (even though I set the limit to 5/h) and nothing coming from the home page, as OP described. Any fix ? Any info ?

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I have not received any BAT for over a month now but I have been seeing new tab ads the whole time. I do not have notification ads enabled. I would appreciate help with this. Thank you

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Hi @CubeOfCheese have you read this FAQ?

There is also this troubleshoot you can try, if you haven’t already (for Windows):

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A Brave release just dropped, make sure to update.

It’s been over 3 weeks for me seeing countless ads yet not seeing my ad count in reward settings increase, nor my bat increasing. I’ve followed every update the past 3 weeks and have yet to see any changes.