Brave does not launches, even after deleting User Data

por lo que he visto asi es, tiene pinta de que forzaron alguna actualizacion y arruinaron algo

yeah, deleting files, test profile, nothing works. Thankfully it’s not just a me problem, I don’t want to lose my passwords lol


Anteriormente paso este problema o es primera vez?

Si justamente me pasa igual, al ser un buen navegador tengo todo los datos e incluso las tarjetas solo espero que sea algo del momento y no pase a mayores

It has just been restored, I think it was due to the time change in the region. This affects the servers and the verification of certain data that allows the use of the Software.

Try REOPEN Brave and try verify your hour and regional configuration in the settings of Windows.


It is working now. Maybe you are right!

thanks! works fine now

Verdad si hace 3 minutos se cambio la hora chilena


acĂĄ sigue sin funcionarme si po, aunque la hora ya cambiĂł
Edit: Acabo de revisar y se arreglĂł

Such a funny issue, haha! I’m curious to know what caused it.

It works now!!! It doen’t even need to be updated somehow

Maybe this could be worked on somehow. It would be quite bothersome taking into account that this is going to happen twice a year for most people.

And yes, it does work now…

oh you’re right, thanks UTC-3 for scaring the sheep out of me. First time actually using this laptop after updating everything

Well i can close edge now. haha

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intenta reinstalar Brave sin borrar los datos, si no funciona mira los otros hilos que decĂ­a OP donde se arregla borrando extensiones u otros archivos

So, This has been going on for a while Brave will close (Instantly) unless I rename it and I’m looking for a more permanent solution can someone help me? This is not related to the Time change.

Hi there,
Would you be able to share the logs with me — DMs open?

If it’s not related to the time change can you please open your own thread here with all the relevant information surrounding your issue so we can assist better you?

Thank you

Interesting - we have a few different issues it seems.

  1. Time in Chile changed (daylight savings time). This difference in time caused a crash, likely due to the files having a timestamp in the future. Once the time catches up, it seems to be resolved.

  2. There seems to be a problem with the name of the executable for @Helpplz. This is likely due to anti-virus or anti-cheat software (ex: many games install anti-cheat software). Are you a gamer? For this, we can try to reach out to the vendor - please let us know the name of the anti-virus or anti-cheat software. As a temporary solution, you can rename brave.exe as brave2.exe or chrome.exe. There might be additional info in the Windows Event Viewer (eventvwr).

The renaming one is a problem with Chrome too, BTW. See and (thanks @szilardszaloki for the links). Once we find what kills it, we can reach out to that vendor to try and get into an accept list.

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On my Windows desktop, the browser shutdown. When i tried to reopen it, it opened with the small window prompt saying it did not shut down correctly and to restore, then it quickly closed. it was repetitive.

I uninstalled the browser but now I am unable to reinstall. When i run the install program, it goes quickly to “No update is available”
So i was forced to reinstall Chrome

Any help would be appreciated