Brave does not launches, even after deleting User Data

Description of the issue:

When I launch Brave, it just flashes for a second and closes.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Launch Brave

Expected result:

I see Brave and it works instead of instantly crashing.

Brave Version( check About Brave): Brave does not launches, but version info says this:

Additional Information: I was watching a video, Brave crashed and it never opened again. I deleted the User Data folder completely and it kept doing the same. I also tried with Nightly and that also crashes when launching for the first time.


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Tried to get the debug file following the steps in Lost all Brave Profiles - #8 by szilardszaloki and I noticed this message but I don’t feel that it has something to do

[14468:5604:0907/] Check failed: false. NOTREACHED log messages are omitted in official builds. Sorry!

Same, in 3 PC with windows 10, meaby before 30 min , brave close and not working more ,
i try reinstall but nothing , the folder “crash” not have nothing inside

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Tried to launch a new profile via brave.exe --user-data-dir=C:\test but it also didn’t worked. Profile gets successfully created which is weird.

Makes you wonder if an update was pushed or anything, same as you I was browsing without issues nor recent new installed extensions. The software closed and after that it refuses to do anything other than closing after executing it. At least the android version works

Probably, as I see more and more reports in Desktop Support.

I also tried my other devices, Android 12 and Linux (Arch) also work.

As of now, we know that starting over with a “new” user profile doesn’t work, neither does reinstalling or restarting the PC.

Checking on the task manager the only related processes to Brave itself are BraveSoftware Update and it’s 32 bit version.

I guess it has to do with that.

If i’m not wrong, It’s used to check updates in the background.

I have the same problem with the Browser a few minutes ago, i 'cant open still crashing.

Same, I just installed brave in my new laptop yesterday and now I can’t open it

So the problem relies on the windows distribution of brave. Is there any way to get some logs to know what caused it?

Either that or a way to read the crash reports

This problem maybe ocurrs when Brave Sofwtare update in background. Probably the update provoce crash the software for many users that using the browser in Windows.

I’m also on windows and experiencing the same issue. It started out of nowhere, probably due to an automatic update. There is no way to keep brave open at all.

As far as I can see, there is no log generated.

dmp files are generated in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Crashpad\reports, I will take a look at mine to see if there is something I can find.

im getting the exact same problem here (i just made an account to report it and found that im not the only one)

All I can see in my dmp files so far is “A breakpoint was reached” if I open them up with Visual Studio.

Same here!

It seems like this has happened to a lot of people, considering the number of issues related to the same problem in the last 30 min.

I was watching twitch as normal, suddenldy the browser crashed and now it crashes when launching

Hola buenas, entonces seria que Brave se callo al menos para los que tenemos windows? Es que me parece raro estaba todo normal y de la nada de cerro intente desinstalando pero sigue con el mismo problema :c en el navegador tengo todos mis datos no recuerdo los links de mis trabajos e intento con google vi un video y sigue igual

Tried to follow the steps on old issues and none of them worked.

DirĂ­a que si. Hay muchos ususarios que crearon issues sobre este problema y mucha gente viendolo en 30 minutos.