BATS disappearing for 3 months, these are my logs and I already sent them, can support tell me what is the problem?

Since March my BATS are disappearing and they are not deposited in uphold, they are around 9 BATS that were worth 14 dollars and now they are worth 6 dollars, the browser is supposed to reward for using it…

brave_rewards_log.txt (28.7 KB)
brave_rewards_log2.txt (959.4 KB)
brave_rewards_log3.txt (1.1 MB)

and what is the cause? I have not had an answer

earnings are not even reflected in the browser, they just disappeared …

Same thing is hapening to me

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I have not deposited BATS in my uphold account for a year, and I like an idiot keep using brave.

Oh wow. Brave was usually regular in their payments of the BAT into my uphold every month but for two months now, there was no tokens. The worst part is that when I checked yesterday how much bats I gained it was saying 5 BAT and now it says 0.

Hey all!

@namjin21 Please refrain from posting information that could be identifiable!

I will look into the issue.


Thank you for reporting! Please DM with the following information:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals)
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version)
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards.

This will help to speed up the troubleshooting. Thank you in advance!

Yo Namjin support has responded quickly reply to them, thanks for starting this post btw. It was so hard to find where to even go for any support.

you think? I’ve been asking Steeven for more than 3 months and he doesn’t answer me what the problem is.

woooow 3 months, n u still using brave?

yeah, i’m so stupidd xd

Hey guys, dont post your Brave wallet details in threads. DM instead. Im closing the thread to protect your information.