BAT Rewards Balance Decreased

Hello, I’m new to Brave Browser of both Desktop and Android. On my desktop versions it was about 4.2 BAT estimated payout that I recieved but payout date was today, But now its just showing estimated payout of 2.1 BAT. Why did the estimated payout decreased? Nor do I recieved any payout. Can someone tell me the correct reason why my balance has decreased?


same for me from about 11 or 10 to 3.5

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Yeah. What’s happening with it?

Same for me, hopefully its just a delay

look here guys maybe we were affected i don’t know how to check

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Well this post was on November 2019. I think they have already fixed it. And I have downloaded Brave about 1 and half week ago
Still I don’t know maybe its still that bug. Let’s send a mail to that email with the required informations

happened to me also today. from 5.2 down to 2.8 bat this is unfair

Oh no many are facing this issue.
@steeven please check this issue we are facing.

already emailed brave for my rewards.

Hi everybody, seeing your estimated earnings go down is normal after a payout. If you saw ads in April, you should be receiving that payout either yesterday or today. If you have an Uphold account connected you should check your email to see if it mentioned an ads payout.

Just to confirm @dibakardas do you have an Uphold account connected?

No activity on my uphold account and After a payout my bats should drop back to 0 right ?

Hello @jsecretan I have Uphold Accoun, did my KYC there, but didn’t received any email from them yet. I have checked. Is this is a bug?

No, its not 2019, its just this may 2020. nothing was resolved, com i had the same issue

Okay so yesterday I have mailed them. Didn’t get any response. But I have recieved 1.667 BAT on my uphold account. But in actually I had collected 4.2 BAT. But it was 2.1 BAT that was showing yesterday. I didn’t understand why the whole amount didn’t get credited to my uphold account.
Now today after some ads it’s 3.2 BAT on my brave wallet

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