Bank websites no longer work - Cannot log in or cannot interract with site if I do get logged in

**Description of the issue:

On one bank website:

I can enter my username and click continue which takes me to:

This page wants to verify my identity by choosing one of my methods for verification. I select my cell phone and click next and instead of it sending me a text message with a code it sends me back to the sign on screen. This loop never ends.

The second bank website is:

Here I enter my username and click go which takes me to:

Where I enter my password for the previously provided username and click submit. This will sometimes log me in and sometimes it will not. Even when I get logged in if I click on any links within the banks landing page it immediately takes me to a page that says:

We’re sorry. An error occurred that prevented us from completing your request.
Please contact us if this problem persists.

So I am undable to use the website at all.

Weird thing is if I open a new private window through Brave both websites work exactly like they should.

**How can this issue be reproduced? Follow the steps above.

**Brave Version: Version 1.37.111 Chromium: 100.0.4896.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information: This just started happening this week.

This has been resolved. It was something to do with the Dashlane extension. Once disabled everything worked like normal.

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