April 2022 Bat Rewards, Rewards on way button, sends me to help chat. (Windows)

So sorry, I totally misunderstood your post. I thought you were being redirected to a totally different web page! Sheesh.

The Green Dot does mean still processing and there will be a Red Dot when payouts are complete. It does not indicate individual payout status at all. It is a global indicator of the payment process. You may see a Yellow Dot from time to time and I call those Pending but really have no clue how they are supposed to be interpreted!

I confused the dots when I first started myself. Just didn’t make sense. This is not intuitive to most users - you see a lot of posts of users who get it backwards like I did. I think that Status Update post should explain both the process and the dot colors. See post below that kind of makes sense but should really be explained within the status update post by Brave staff imo.

You can receive payouts immediately or within a day or two. Most often it seems to be within 2-3 days. It can take up to a week. So, it varies, there really is no set time. Uphold payouts are deposited directly into your Uphold account. You will receive a claim button if you use Gemini or if you have unverified Rewards.