From Monday I earned 0.135 BAT I watch sponsored ads. I have switched support options automatically. I have set on 10Reklam for one hour. My friend who downloaded yesterday because I recommended this browser earned over 0.155 Bat, please help me because I’m sorry.
I can’t even understand your problem. I’m sorry
I do not earn money I do not know why
I’m sorry to say this but I guess you should delete this post and make a new one with more details about your problem. As the current one doesn’t seem to justify any sense.
Since Monday I have earned 0.135 BAT I watch sponsored ads. I have automatically changed support options. I set it to 10 Ads per hour. My friend, who downloaded yesterday because I recommended this browser to him, earned over 0.155 Bat, And I earn 0.015 Bat a day I see ads I look at them and I do not earn more only 0.015 sad that so little and I hope someone will give me will help because I would earn more in 3 days than just 0.135 bat
Well, It depends on how much time you spend on brave browser but I would suggest doing some steps to check your earnings.
First whenever you see ads check how much you earn from it after seeing it.
Tab ads give you like 0.010 Bats while notification ads gives you something like 0.002 or 0.005 Bat.
Check if Brave even giving you rewards or not after seeing ads.
thanks thanks thanks sorry spam xD
Surprising this problem is now also happening with me. This is brave fault. Hope they will fix this soon.
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