All video playback suddenly doesn't work anymore

For no apparent reason all video playback of all types on Youtube, Reddit, etc. has just stopped working, left to infinitely buffer, even ads won’t play. The only video type that will play are gifs.
I have cleared my cache, turned on and off shields and adblockers, uninstalled ad blockers completely, turned off hardware acceleration, etc. I’ve tried the easy stuff.
One thing that worked using a guest profile, videos play properly there. For some reason it seems my main profile has broken something.

On youtube I get this error in the developer tools :

Access to fetch from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header in the response must not be the wildcard ‘*’ when the request’s credentials mode is ‘include’. The credentials mode of requests initiated by the XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute.

Happens on ALL videos, tried to look into the error and I can’t seem to find anything that would be causing this out of the blue, dunno if I’m just using the wrong keywords or something but I have not changed anything about Brave at all. Just woke up and this is a problem now
I’m on Windows 11 Brave version: 1.70.117

How do I fix this, been trying to solve it for hours, really considering just uninstalling Brave with how often it just breaks stuff at random

For some reason the community site here wont allow me to upload any images to attach to my post so I can’t show the dev console so I had to just copy the error word for word.

EDIT: nvm, its just Brave being extra stupid, went to this post on Chrome and uploaded that image above ^ instantly. Like wtf is wrong with this browser

same issue here, randomly stopped working…
tried disabling hardware acceleration, dosent work
Waiting for solving…

Check the extensions installed @gooseberry @Ntiranga

Dark mode extension? or other extensions. Would start disabling to see which extension is causing it

it was dark mode extension…

Out of interesting using the same extension in Chrome, does it occur there?

This is so strange, before I made this post I had uninstalled all extensions and it was still happening so I just reinstalled them thinking they weren’t the problem, so weird.
Either way glad it was a simple issue.
I disabled it and restarted my computer, leaving hardware accel on seemed to also be causing the issue in tandem with the extensions.
It was a weird combination of things that I had somehow not tested.
Thanks for the help though

EDIT: Typos

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