Aggregate Topic: Lost Passwords in July 2024 update

UPDATE: August 13, 2024

It sounds like this has been resolved for everyone. Please try to make sure you update Brave to the latest available to you. If you still have issues, please answer the following in a reply:

  • Which OS you’re using (be specific if possible)
  • Which version of Brave you’re on.
  • When you noticed the issue
  • If you’ve tried any of the workarounds listed below:

Update: August 9, 2024

So wanted to pass along an update. Seems they figured out the issue and will be uplifting the fix to updates. You can see official response about it at post below:

Prior fixes and potential workarounds

Windows Users

Issue fixed July 31, 2024. Just Update Brave to 1.68.134 or later. This was handled via

Mac and Linux Users:

This is still a work in progress. They hoped to fix it in the July 31 update but it didn’t work. The Github that this falls under can be found at

Potential Workarounds

It’s important to note that if this works, it just will skip whatever entries are not able to be decrypted. So as much as you may get most of your passwords, it won’t be 100%. But at least this will get you some access and then you could try to export to have backup of those.

  • MacOS can try to launch with -–enable-features=SkipUndecryptablePasswords from the terminal

  • Linux users similarly can create a shortcut and add the parameter --enable-features=SkipUndecryptablePasswords

And if the below works for you, then you may have 100% of your passwords and might be able to export and keep via CSV file. But no promises whether might run into another issue after you update Brave again.

  • Also, some have said downgrading to prior installation of Brave might help. Such as sudo apt install brave-browser=1.67.123 for Linux.

Why the issue is happening (well, the assumed reason):

By default (on most platforms), the password manager hides all the passwords if there’s at least one that’s undecryptable. Either passwords are somehow getting “corrupt” in a way that they can’t be unencrypted or an issue is occurring with keychain that is used for encryption.

There may be something more to this, but that’s where attention is at in the moment and hopefully gets us to a fix before long.

Official response:

Original Topic text below, collapse if you wish to view

Aggregate Topic: Lost Passwords in July 2024 update - #77 by Mattches

Chromium Issue where this happened on Chromium browsers =

Potential Workaround until officially fixed in code (at least for Windows):

Change the target in the Desktop shortcut in Brave to include
-enable-features=SkipUndecryptablePasswords at the end. Such as might look like:

"C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" -enable-features=SkipUndecryptablePasswords

User on iMac shared:

Password Manager Issues - #7 by Mtyjoe

Not everyone is affected by this. For others, it might be due to different issues. More details here:

NOTICE: Unexplained Data Loss Issue


I’m closing and unlisting duplicate topics because they drown out other issues needing help. Please check for similar issues before creating new topics. Creating multiple topics on the same issue makes it harder to find answers. For example, Mattches has already responded, but many duplicate topics make it seem like no answers are given.

Hopefully, this helps reduce new topics and makes it easier for everyone to get help. I understand it’s frustrating, but let’s make it easier for everyone to get assistance.


since an update (?) i have lost access to my saved passwords. the passwords seem to be saved somewhere because it automatically logs me in, but brave://settings/passwords does not exist and when i click manually to the passwords page

brave://settings/autofill > brave://password-manager/passwords

then it is empty or only new passwords are added.

so what’s going on?! the loss of passwords is anything but trivial. and when i click through the help forums, i see that this has been going on for years. it’s really shameful! i expect a fix or official help soon. you can’t expect users to spend ages tinkering with solutions to such a delicate problem.

[Version 1.68.128 Chromium: 127.0.6533.73 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)] on linux mint 21.3 cinnamon.


Hello you can have more informations about this problem here : Brave just lost my passwords. How can I recover them?
There isn’t solution at this moment but a patch is in test actually by the developpers of Chromium


this just happened to me today, it still has some auto-fill data left for some sites but its blank when I go to password manager

I just literally used the password-autofill then it glitched like this


Sme thing happened to me. First, after the windows fkdate my laptop required a bios password for the first time ever. Now I can’t logon to my 8 year old laptop with out it. Then, all the passwords in Brave disappeared. Now when I manually enter them and it asks if I want password anager to save them, I choose yes but IT DOES NOT SAVE THEM.

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Why aren’t the passwprds saved in a Brave folder of te operating system?


Hi, I’ve updated brave-browser on my Debian Bookworm from 1.67.123 to 1.68.128.
After trying to login to webmail with my credential I discovered that login data was not available and the password manager was empty.

I downgraded to 1.67.123 and everything works again.


Brave just lost my passwords after an update. The browser was freezing so I threw away all of my tabs, and after coming back up all of my passwords were gone.

I have all of the files backed up. Do I just need to restore my old 'Login Data' to get them back?


I’m having the same problem.
Unfortunately, i don’t have a backup.
They’re not in the Password Manager page, and i really need them back.
Is there a way to restore them?


Same problem. This seems a systemic issue, so where are the solutions from Support??


Same problem here. Upgraded itself and all the passwords disappeared.


7/24/2024 about 7:30 pm: I just lost my entire list of pws in password manager. Brave is asking me to upload a csv file, even opened my file manager, but I don’t have one. I tried saving a new password, the “Save” button didn’t work so I had to click on the hyperlink at the window bottom. Password list came up blank, so it didn’t even save a new pw. I have screenshots of most of this. Brave is up to date. How do I get help?


I had the same issue. Yesterday everything worked great now all my passwords are gone.

Workaround to this fix that worked for me:
I installed Firefox. Imported everything from Brave to Firefox. And miraculously my passwords were imported aswell…

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I’m having the same problem, are they going to help us? I had a long list of PW and thought Brave was safe, but what a surprised this morning. As of yes they were there!
That’s a HUGE glitch!!


I never updated Brave at all and yet, this morning, my long list of passwords were gone! As of yesterday, at bedtime, everything was ok. So, something happened last night, 07/24 that removed my passwords. They’re very important, and I TRUSTED BRAVE to keep them safe, so now what? In order to go to my email, I had to create a new password, since my email is the most important one. Brave has to respond to this HUGE issue, don’t they, and how long will it take? Is there an email address that we can contact for this serious issue? I even had to create a new PW to get in here.


Try what I did in my previous post and check if that works for you. Not sure if it works for linux though… I am on windows 10.

All my passwords GONE this morning, 07/25/24


@Mattches Can you assist? I have the same issue. Obviously not a singular event, seems the last update messed it up for a lot of people.
I have sync on, my iphone brave browser has all the passwords, but for some reason they are not transferring over to the desktop version.

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Thanks… but, Brave has an obligation to fix this huge issue for us since it’s their fault… there has to be a contact we can use directly to Brave, an email, something that we can all go and get a quick response instead of waiting for an adm in this community to help us.

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