Windows - Not being prompted for Wildvine

Description of the issue:

Windows 10 - Version 0.69.132 Chromium: 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Sites like spotify and netflix aren’t prompting for wildvine install

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. Ensure setting for Ask when a site wants to install Widevine on your computer is enabled
  2. Log in to and choose a movie to play

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):


Expected result:

  1. To be prompted for Wildvine install
  2. Content to play

Reproduces how often:
every time

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
Windows 10 - Version 0.69.132 Chromium: 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:

This worked until yesterday’s update.

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@mtrftw can you try with Let me know if it still not prompt you to install Widevine.

Hi @eljuno, no luck with either.

I am also experiencing this issue. Let me know if you would like a full bug report from me as well?

Amazon Prime videos on are also unable to play. Please see my screenshot below:

@eljuno I think this occurs if you visit a site that wants to install wildvine and you have shields on the first time. . I was able to get prompted for wildvine by creating another profile and ensuring shields were off the first time I visited the site.

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Yes, if I click my profile icon at the top right of Brave, then click ‘Open Guest window’, then navigate to I will get prompted to allow Widevine (I get this prompt in the Guest window with or without Shields up), see screenshot below:


But then if I click ‘Allow’ and try to play a video I get the same error message as before:


Did this get any resolution? I"m having the exact same issues as OP. No matter what I enable or disable on Brave it will not let me watch Netflix or Hulu. This just started a couple of days ago for me. However I am able to watch Hulu and Netflix on Google Chrome and any other web browser. It’s only Brave that’s doing this. I have tried uninstalling Brave and resintalling. I have tried resetting the settings to default. I have tried shields up and shields down. I have done everything I can. But I get the same error code from Netflix as OP. Wildvine isn’t working.

Sadly, this is still an issue.

Hello! Just jumping in to inform everyone that I’ve reached out to a few of our devs to take a look at what may be going on under the hood. We’re working presently to figure out the issue – hope to have more info for everyone soon.

Thank you for your patience.


I’m having the same problem with Xfinity and was never prompted to install but this is the error message I constantly get when signing in:

Sorry, we’re having some trouble

Xfinity Stream is not available at the moment. Please try back soon.

(Error ftde.xact.3307.1107296347)

There is no way to do another profile, I’ve followed all steps suggested here and other places and I’m still getting this message. I really would like an update on whether it’s being fixed or not. I finally found what I hoped was the perfect browser and now…

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