Since I’ve downloaded Brave, back in November, when I now log in, it tells me that I am using Google Chrome. I’ve never downloaded anything google onto my mac, never would, never will! Can someone please tell me how to get rid of it and if it’s connected to Brave…I can’t find it anywhere in my system, other than it showing up that I’ve logged in using it.
Thanks, I really want it removed!
where it tells you that are using chrome?
please post a screenshot.
brave uses the same user agent of chrome, so maybe that’s why it says “chrome on mac os x”.
I don’t think you have chrome on your system.
Brave is based on Chromium, the Chrome browser. So that’s probably why. This is the single biggest flaw to Brave in my book, it seems to me that this would create a backdoor for Google, but what do I know? (Nothing, TBH)
That is exactly what I thought, and for years I have never chosen to use Google or any form of Chrome. Do you know how I can remove it? I’ve tried deleting Brave and reinstalling, but that doesn’t work, as it remembers all the settings.
Also I have friends using an imac and Brave, and they are not experiencing the same re Chrome, so I’m wondering how they got in through the back door!
…which is the correct behavior. Brave does not disclose itself, otherwise websites would take countermeasures against its anti-ads, anti-tracking and anti-fingerprinting features.
Websites just think it is Google Chrome and they’re happy.
Thank you so much for making that clear! Appreciated. I started to wonder why I couldn’t find it anywhere on my computer, and that explains it beautifully.
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