Brave and Chrome

  1. When first going to a site with Brave, I received the following message: “We noticed that your XXXX account was accessed just now from a new device or location: Chrome on Windows | Ohio, USA (”
  2. Why is it identified as Chrome?
  3. I love the fact that my location is masked! Thank you!

Expected result:
Just a reply

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.26.77 Chromium: 91.0.4472.164 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:


Yeah, it has been like that since the beginning.

I have heard that it has been masked as Chrome for further safety. IDK I have just heard someone write it here before…


If you’re using a VPN, this would be a common message @kenjaz


Thanks! I am using a VPN, so that explains the location (not thinking here,). Still not clear on the Chrome part. Been using a VPN for quite a while and never noticed that browser part before. I appreciate your response. Not a big deal. Just curious.


Just did another first time Brave visit to a login site (again via a VPN). This one was identified as “Google Chrome for Windows (Desktop).” Is Brave a Chrome clone? Thanks.

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@kenjaz like @ItzMeRajat mentioned above, Brave use Chrome user-agent to hide it’s users. So Brave will tell sites (when asked) that you’re using Chrome. It’s normal.


Thanks! I didn’t quite understand ItzMeRajat’s previous reply. Talking about 2 different factors at once without clarification is a fault I have.