Where is my post on brave community? I cannot find it anywhere

I posted this here,

Windows 10 colour adopted by Brave browser for accents

my second post to this community website. It was about a privacy concern and contained two screenshots. The website messaged me to say “Akismet” had temporarily hidden my post from view and a moderator would review it “shortly”. That was 29 days ago. I have not gotten any new messages or notifications and the status hasn’t changed. (My first post was temporarily hidden from view, then it was approved-and-posted by a moderator I guess, because it showed up and got a reply.)

I also cannot even find my second post from within my own account to look at it, review it, edit it, copy it, anything. I don’t know where it is. (This should be available even if someone’s post is denied and not allowed to post. People should still be allowed to see all of their old posts regardless of post status.)

I know posts are disabled from people commenting after 30 days, but the post is not here at all.

Where is my post, what happened to it, why didn’t a moderator get to it, why is it not reviewed, can it be found and if yes then I want to archive/save it for my records. I want to repost it too.

(would like to post this in a ‘Brave community’ Category with ‘brave’ and ‘brave community’ as Tags, but those are not given options.)

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That is an automated service. If you never heard of it, you can learn more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akismet and https://akismet.com/

That one is at Windows 10 colour adopted by Brave browser for accents

The one above about your Windows 10 colour was your second post. The first one you made was Entering asterisk * into allowed cookies cannot be deleted and shuts off Brave Shields

Umm, believe I provided link to it above. So it’s there. Or what are you referring to? How long ago did this other one get flagged?

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