When is ZebPay being added to Creators

@Saoiray “India being added” thread has been locked due to no posts. My Creators balance is now 0.00.
I have received no email about verifying with zebpay on Creators.
And there is no zebpay in Creators.
My bat just vanished. It used to be around 813vBAT
What’s the update? They said it’ll be enabled early 2024

To my knowledge, that shouldn’t be disappearing anywhere for Creators, but never can track on that. At the same time, since they allowed a little while ago for people to connect Creators to any crypto, there might have been some sort of timeline for it. Speaking of, have you linked your Creators to your Brave Wallet or other location yet?

If you’ve not been following, you might want to check out link below:

That said, I am going to tag in @Evan123 just to see if he might have any general answers. I know for anything account specific, you’ll need to do a support ticket. Since this is related to Creators, it would be a Creators Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=10061687185549

This is a really old picture

This is what I see now

Now about the off chain of on chain thing, it only transfer new donations to the chain. It doesn’t transfer my old 813 bat to the chain.

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Did you disconnect the channel it was associated to? Thanks

No i did not disconnect any channel
However I disconnected the github.com channel about a year ago with no issues. No drop in balance.
(I just couldn’t reconnect it, which is fine)
The email address linked to the account in posting from is the same email that connects my Creators dashboard

Please submit your issue here and we can investigate. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=1900000382047


I reported it a few hours ago. I really wish you could make image uploads in the support forum

Well that is taking a little long:)

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