Please Help me Creators

I am not so new here but I have a few question I would love to hear others opinion on.

Post like this scare me. I told a more active friend of mine to join the Brave Creators platform and she has never been paid. she joined November December 2020. I only did this because I got paid after I joined around August September 2020.
Though I didn’t receive any payment January and February 2021. I blamed that on my reduced effort because I really slacked off during the holidays. I checked and I saw 20BAT. I convinced myself maybe because of high ETH fees. My friend already told me to give up on Brave after she didn’t get paid saying it is just a lie and a façade , Saying I am lucky I got paid. She has given up on Brave. I even wrote to steeven about her case, no response from the team. Since I didn’t want to cause a ruckus I DM steeven because I believe this was a non issue.
I have been frequenting this place and noticed a few troubling trends. the Brave team hiding post and people saying they have been owed for so long.

Should I be worried and should I quit the platform entirely

@tee594 - please DM the email linked to your account. Note that the referral program ended months ago.

For the post you linked, that users wallet is not connected.

Thanks, but we both never used referral. we never even enabled it. she made over 1k Bat from tweeting and her podcast audience. I made mine from just tweeting and youtube. before February my last tweet was December I think. I have also DM you her mail. would send mine now

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