We, users, make DUMB mistakes! :) - I accidentally UNINSTALLED Brave@Android so what happens with "Ads received" on that (lost) instance?

Thanks for the explanation, Aaron.

No difficulty at all. I anticipated that result, just needed confirmation.

Maybe it’s something that can be tweaked… but I presume it’s not worth the dev-time since it happens rarely.

I definitely need my :coffee: and wake-up bf browsing, :joy:

Side Question:
I hope that you guys (officials) don’t mind being tagged when a certain Brave browser feature is involved.

Not here, NOT this (losing pending bat) - but: generally. I did it again - just because it relates to the (previously available! :heart:) ‘enable-immersive-fullscreen’ flag.

I dunno how 2 use Github & make recommendations there. :frowning:

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