Good morning, I write to ask for help about the ads seen.
I had in the counter 92 and now it’s 42. How do I recover my previous status?
Many separate posts about this today. Seems to have affected many people, (including myself) so my guess is that it is being researched. Could be the payout. Good luck. @discobot fortune @discobot quote
If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves. — Thomas Edison
Hi everybody, first, very sorry for the confusion here. As many of you have guessed, this is related to 5th of the month. Ads rewards payouts are getting processed for users today. As part of that, the counter will reset to ad views/earnings for the next cycle. However, there is a known issue where some “uncashed in” payment tokens are not reflected as part of that total ( and it will be hot fixed to all channels this week. Important to note that no BAT is lost in this case . Also, because of the way payment tokens are cashed in with a delay, some ads seen in the last month will actually be paid on the next cycle. So if you opted in late last month (as in with the release channel ads), your first ads payment may not be until next month.
@jsecretan so the 90~ something ads viewed we get the BAT for all of those on the 5th of next month at the latest (if we opted in later in the month)? or do we get some BAT today this month, and the ads shown that are left, are the BAT wed be getting next month?
It depends on when you opted in. It takes about a week to cash in the payment receipts. So if you opted in a while back you will see some today and some next month. If you opted in recently you will likely see it all roll to next month.
I opted in a while ago, but haven’t been actively using the brave browser until about the 20th or so of last month.