Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?
Brave was working fine on Windows 7 professional
2.Upgraded recently my pc from windows 7 to windows 10 professional
when opening Brave browser- PC gets freeze, only option to reboot my PC
while uninstalling also PC gets freeze, all other progrmans working fine
google chrome/firefox working fine
I again downloaded latest Brave browser directly from site
But still same issue
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave
): latest downloaded
Additional Information:
I caanot perform anything on Brave browser, as soon as it opens up , PC gets freeze.
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Hello @hemant_fcs , thank you for reaching us out. Have you tried deleting cookies and cache? In case it does not work, try installing Brave beta or Nightly to see if the same behavior persists in those versions. Hope this can solve your issue. Regards.
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Hi, I tried installing other versions - Beta & Nightly. I encountered same issue.
However when I performed below solution, It works as expected.
@mtwoodward ,
Thanks for reaching out. This sounds like a similar issue to what Win7 users were experiencing:
Taken from that thread:
Apologies to any Win7 users here who were getting blocked by this. We truly appreciate your patience and assistance with addressing the issue. There’s clearly something going on under the hood with respect to Brave and Win7 display settings. We’ll work that out on our end, but this workaround should suffice for now.
For anyone in this thread (or just now gett…
My suggestion: My not initially provide by default Hardware Acceleration off & then Later up to user to make it off or on .
ANyway, Thanks, Please close this Ticket.