Brave freezes at lauch on Windows 11

Today Brave started freezing every time I run it on Win11 PC. It is up-to-date and so is my OS, and the same version works fine on my macbook.

Whenever I open the browser the window pops-up and looks fine, but I can’t interact with it in any way. Clicks don’t work, navigating with tab doesn’t work, and I can’t close it unless I use the task manager. If I take too long to close it in task manager that also stops working and eventually it freezes my PC.

I’ve tried reinstalling it several times, including after deleting the “User data” folder in AppData, and the browser still freezes right after installation as soon as it starts.

Any help would be highly appretiated, I use Brave a lot so this is driving me nuts.

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When was the Last time you Performed a Restart of your PC ?

I have done that several times as I try reinstalling Brave, no luck.

Other Browsers are working ?

If yes, Record the Behavior using Loom and Share the video link here.

I tried reinstalling again today and it worked! thank you, though

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