Update on Questions around Estimated Earnings for April Payout

We have received reports from some users about significant differences between their total estimated earnings and their coming payouts. For example:

While these earnings specified in the UI are estimates, we typically only expect a small difference. Working with the ads team, we have found a case where during a small window of the month, when browsers go to check in the “payment tokens” that let us properly credit them for the ads they have seen, some tokens are being rejected by the server for a configuration mismatch.

We are working on a fix to the Brave Ads server that will resolve this issue. Once resolved, the browsers of affected users will automatically retry the calls to receive credit for the ads. Once received by the server, they will be paid out in the next payment cycle, starting May 7th.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but hope to have this resolved quickly. Thanks for your understanding.