Unauthorized withraw from my uphold acount

In the beginning of this my month I got more than 8 BAT transfered from my UpholdAcount without my authorization.

The receiver is @BraveBublishers but I have not made this transaction. Can someone help me understand what happened.

PS: I contacted Uphold support and they said it is not on their side.

Did your brave rewards settings open the Auto-contribute section? Auto contribute can decrease your Bat because your attention of your sites on creators.


The browser has a bug the the auto-contribution turns on by itself randomly. It has happen to me twice on two different devices and I lost a bunch of BAT. I turn it off when I first start the browser. Now I just have to check it every day to make sure it is off. So in short, your BAT is gone. Support might be nice and give your BAT back, but do not count on it.

Is there an option to terminate or turn that auto contribution Off?

I lost 56.2467 BAT and some BTC coins…

Do you know where to go if this matter keeps happening?

I have been receiving email from support but no Action has been made and its been a month now and yet no updates…

I do hope Brave Browser must come up with a fix to kill this bug…

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