Unable to see my crypto in metamask but available in my brave wallet and polygonscan

**Description of the issue:
I connected my metamask wallet to brave wallet and i was able to see all of my crypto asset in brave wallet. However when i open my metamask then i am unable to see all of my crypto asset in it even though it is showing inside my brave wallet. Just wanted to know are there any ways for me to transfer my crypto back out to metamask

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. import metamask wallet to brave wallet
  2. unable to see crypto in metamask but showing in brave wallet

**Expected result:
Both metamask wallet and brave wallet having the same number of crypto

**Brave Version( check About Brave):


Additional Information:

Apparently it is showing now after waiting for 30+ minutes, not sure what was the cause of this issue but hope that brave browser can give some clarity on it so i can help my club members when something similar happens.

@JimB1 @hub any idea?

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Sorry, not sure. Haven’t used Metamask. My assumption was that both should work at the same time, but not really sure if I’m right or not.

That being said, there are reportedly a lot of fake Metamask extensions out there, I hope you don’t have one of the bogus ones.

Do you even need to keep using Metamask at this point, if the Brave Wallet works fine?


Yea technically both work at the same time, but it is just that when i just connected it then my crypto will not show in metamask for a certain period of time (in my case was 30+ mins).

As regards to the fake matamask wallet, i double checked the extensions and also other stuff and it is the real Metamask extension so nothing to worry about this i guess.

For my P2E game that i am playing now, it requires specific wallet for the minting of the NFT and currently brave wallet is not supported yet thus i still need to go back to using Metamask wallet now until further updates i guess.

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