New user with Brave, since the world is getting picky with compatibility for other browsers, so a Chromium-based browser is a must, and I will not touch Chrome (spyware/malware) with a 6-foot pole, and Brave is security/privacy-oriented, so seems to fit the bill for me!
After starting to use it, I ran into my first issue quick! Was unable to access my Unifi controller, Edgerouter etc. Basically everything with a self-signed certificate. Yes, I did check/verify that it was not expired, yes I did check that SSL “Always trust” was set. Still I was unable to override, and I do not seem to be the only one with this issue:
Both of these were unresolved and closed! I can also see that “fanboynz” tried to assist, but was unsuccessful!
The thing that caught my eye was the difference in the error that he saw compared to the people with the issue:
“Interesting, a difference between mine and yours, “NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID” vs “NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID”. What does Chrome show?”
So, I checked my keychain a second time, and tried setting all categories to “Always Trust”, and now the “Proceed to (unsafe)” exception link showed up!
Then reverted the setting back to only having SSL “Always trust”, and the plan was to enable them one-by-one untill I found the culprit that also needed to be on, but now it works with only SSL set to “Always trust”!
I am guessing this is due to an upgrade (“Catalina” to “Big Sur” to “Monterey” for me), where these settings might have become corrupt, and by flipping them, I refreshed the actual setting!
Hope anyone else out there with this issue find this useful!