How do I proceed to a website with a HTTPS certificate warnings


Ive noticed that since a few days I can no longer proceed to a website if the HTTPS certificate is expired or self signed.

Normally I would expand the advanced section and click the proceed to website link but this appears to be gone?

We have some equipment which use self signed certificates and some equipment has an expired certificate but i still need access. Switching between different browsers just to have access to these antiquated systems is annoying. Doe someone now how I can get the link back to proceed to these websites?

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Sample site? Its a good thing that user will get warnings about invalid/self signed certs.

That said, I don’t believe Brave changes this. The cert changes come from Chromium. I would be surprised if Firefox acted differently.

I’m experiencing the same problems with different devices and appliances I need to manage that use self signed certificates or non trusted root CA’s. All Certificate errors seem to be blocked by Brave and because I’ve switched my default browser to Brave, it would be really nice to be able to continue to an “untrusted” website without having to use another browser. (Chrome, FF, IE, Edge all have this option to continue, while Brave doesn’t).

There is an advanced option (brave://flags) that says “Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost”, but this is only for localhost. I would like to suggest a new feature to create a new advanced option for non-localhost websites. So only when you switch the advanced flag to enable, you would be able to click continue to a website with an untrusted certificate. Otherwise Brave users are protected and are not able to continue to unsecure websites.


Example (Me logging into my Ubiquiti Unifi). which will give me a warning.

Tested in Firefox, basically same error:


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