Unable to connect to my uphold wallet

I get a message that the region of my wallet and the region selected for the rewards don’t match (they do, I double checked, uninstalled the browser and reinstalled it.)
Any idea?

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Probably, it’s because you did KYC using documents from other country. Like for example, you did KYC using US documents and the address you have provided to Uphold is from Canada and you chose rewards region as Canada. But since documents are from USA, you should have selected USA as rewards region.

Now to solve this →
Two ways to do →
If you have government documents of the region you chose in rewards then do KYC again using those documents.

Otherwise →
Reset Brave rewards (Causes to lose BATs in unverified profile) and then select region as the one of which documents you used for KYC for Uphold.


Ok that was it thanks for the solution :).


If possible do mark it as solution :slight_smile:

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