The most visited pages bar keeps turning off

I have Brave on my Android-using Lenovo tablet.

The bar of the most visited pages (the one under the privacy report, and whose pages appear under the url bar when you click to type into it) dissappeared a while ago. I could only get the pages by typing their names into the bar, only if i had them bookmarked.

Two days ago propably, i found the setting for having the bar on/off. But it was turned on despite the bar being gone.

I toggled it off and back on again, and the bar returned.

But today, the bar seems to have just dissappeared all of a sudden???

Does anybody else have this issue? How will i get the bar to stay? Also, i don’t remember where i found the bar’s setting…

Just to confirm, you’re saying that the top-sites widget on the new tab page keeps disappearing? If so, can you please tell me the exact Android device you’re using as well as the OS version when you see this issue?

Further, if you toggle the setting on/off again does the widget appear normally?

Yes, it’s the top-sites widget.

I’m using Lenovo Tab M10, but i’m not sure about OS.

But, a weirder thing; i did literally nothing, but the widget just returned all of a sudden (and reset).

And now it’s disappeared again, and i didn’t do anything. My tablet wasn’t even turned off during the day.

Would it be possible to see a short recording of this behavior? Simply record yourself opening the browser, toggle the widget off/on so that it shows on the NTP, close the browser then relaunch to show that the widget has in fact disappeared.

No. It disappears and reappears while the browser is on the whole time, and it’s too unpredictable.

It returned for longer than a week, only to suddenly disappear a few seconds ago when i was in the middle of using the browser…

I have forwarded your report to the Android team to review but it will be hard to get a handle/push a fix for this given that the behavior is intermittent and there are no steps to reproduce this issue.

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