Sync desktop to a laptop

Hi there. i’m new to the Brave …please help me to solve the problem with sync my main brave from Desktop computer to my laptop…i tried so many times but its syncing forever…
it was no issue with syncing my iphone with qr code but the words were not working…any ideas …im using the latest version of brave and windows 10…please help me and thank you

Have same issue as can.

Once both my laptop and desktop are up and running I followed your procedure in attempting to sync. Copied the 24 words and verified that they were correct and clicked on the the button to sync “I have a sync code” to no avail. As above I let it run and run also to no avail. At no time did I receive any error messages. Do need help in backing up my browsing history.

Thank you in advance for any assistance that you can lend.

For the words, did you try pasting them in, or use speech to text. Don’t use Return/Enter/> between lines … Let it wrap around automatically.

I was able to use words on a tablet when the camera wouldn’t focus on the QR.

I’m having the same issue - mac laptop to mac laptop. the parent laptop says ‘looking for device’ forever.and the child laptop says nothing.
I copy / pasted the code perfectly.

is there another way to get my two laptop browser’s bookmarks in sync?

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