Stopped receiving ads on desktop

After several months of receiving brave ads, I’m no longer receiving them. I have gone through the settings in Windows 10, as well as the browser’s settings but to no avail. It says I’ve received 10 ads this month but I have not seen any. It’s gone from 4 or 5 tokens per month to 0.1 tokens. I am struggling to find any other possible solutions to my problem. I would really rather not reinstall the browser unless as a last ditch attempt.

Please help!

Windows 10

My browser wallet is currently verified. I am using Metamask linked to Gemini.

I’m not sure of the exact date that my wallet was first verified, but it was at least 10 months ago and I have re-verified a few times since then as well.

I have been receiving payments consistently until the last 2 or 3 months of not seeing ads anymore.

I am not using a vpn.

I live in the United States.

I am using a desktop computer.

I do not have any devices linked to brave rewards, strictly desktop only.


  1. Check at this link if your device is ready to receive ads notifications ; Click on Authorise then Show.
  2. Do you see the sponsored image and ads in the news?

If negative, check all tthe steps at Not receiving Brave ads fix it fast - #2 by CerealLover; As a last resort fill in the help form or contact a Brave employee.


Could you kindly submit the information surrounding your issue to our Rewards Support form. From there we can provide further assistance and investigate your case.

Thank you!

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