I no longer receive advertisements

I have been using brave for about a month and have always received ads, but a few days I no longer receive ads. This month (September) I had already received about 500 ads, but all of a sudden they stopped appearing. Since I no longer saw them, there are only errors of this type in the logs: “ERROR: refill_unblinded_tokens.cc (191)] Failed to get signed tokens”.
I don’t know if it can be useful, but I don’t even see the CLAIM button for August rewards.

**What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?**Windows 10

**Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)**No

**Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?**First time

**Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)**No

**Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?**Yes

@steeven @MatthewB any help?

I had the same issue a while back, what resolved it forme was going to brave://settings/ → additional setrtings → Reset settings, it may not be a bad idea to temporarily disable extensions and enable them back one by one to see if any of the extensions could also be causing the issue

Can you please send me a DM with your wallet payment ID, found on your brave://rewards-internals page?

@Mattches I had already sent you a DM 10 days ago but unfortunately you never answered me. I try to send them back to you

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