Search suggestions not appearing when searching from widget search bar

Description of the issue:
While searching for something from the Brave search bar widget, search suggestions are not appearing. But suggestions are appearing when searching something inside brave.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Add the Brave search / Brave quick action search widget in your home screen.
  2. Tap on the search bar, search something.
  3. No search suggestions are appearing.

Expected result:
Search suggestions should appear.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Brave - Beta 1.75.161, Chromium 132.0.6834.83

Mobile Device details
Samsung M32
Andorid 13

Additional Information:
It’s happening with other users too.


Agree, it’s unusable and it’s basically an essential feature


This is a known issue that was reported a few times.
Unfortunately, it is not fixed yet (and even got worse with the last couple of updates).

I reported about it a few months back and a Github issue was opened by @Mattches.
More info here:


Facing the same problem, thought it would get fixed in months but now it’s very annoying

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I have the same problem

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This is unacceptable. So many people reported it and still no fix around. Wow…