Why there is no suggestions on search at brave browser

Description of the issue: When search in brave browser did not providing suggestions in queries like chrome or edge or any others. Why it happens. how can I solve this issue.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. try to search anything from home screen of brave browser

**Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):


Expected result: I expect suggestions for the queries

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):1.28.106

Additional Information: But Chrome and Mozilla Firefox and other major browsers providing this feature

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Check your settings and enable all suggestions.

@gmacar can you explain please.
I didn’t get you.

Google Chrome Let’s you to choose an option from matching queries like the following image

But not brave allows it


  • Windows
  1. brave://settings/appearance β†’ Show autocomplete in address bar.
  2. brave://settings/appearance β†’ You can enable other autocomplete options too, if you need them.
  3. brave://settings/privacy β†’ Autocomplete searches and URLs.
  • Android
  1. Settings β†’ Brave shields & privacy.
  2. Auto-complete searches and URLs.
  3. Enable other autocomplete options below, if you need them, too.

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