Everytime I do a search using google, it searches for what I want, but as soon as it locates the items, the search bar reverts to a previous search term. So if I want to modify the search term I can’t do so because it’s an old search term and not the one I’m working on.
E.g. if I did a search for Benjamin Franklin
Then I did a search for Samuel Adams it shows me the Samuel Adams hits, but the search bar shows the old search term i.e.: Benjamin Franklin, so I can’t change the search term to be Samuel Adams -beer or something easily. (yes I could do another random search and the Samuel Adams will show again…but it’s irritating).
I don’t have this problem with Chrome. So is Google trying to hassle people using brave or is it a brave bug? I also don’t have this problem with duckduckgo.
I can provide pictures.