Results seem politically skewed

First, you blame it on the Brave users (aka “you guys, not them!”) Don’t you find it really REALLY bad that the search engine gives old, defunct, and even off-topic results for political content? If it’s by design, then the system needs to change as it’s obviously not working as an unbiased and neutral search engine… You don’t seem to upset about it though… major red flag that you actually support this garbage.
Deflecting feedback by telling people to go away and use a “feedback” option is also a major red flag. They are literally telling Brave and Brave users the exact problem and why it is bad, with specific evidence, and you essentially tell them to not talk about it on a public forum but do it silently (so people don’t notice?).

Now you take someone making a legitimate argument about how this appears to be done by design and handwave it all away because he said “two years” and Brave search wasn’t around that long. You ignored everything he has said based off that alone, and you pretend like he must be wrong about everything. He’s probably been using Brave search from the day it began like all of us since it was advertised within the browser.

I made this account just to tell you that you are a disingenuous person.
Brave lost a lot of trust with me from this. The whole point of this browser and search engine is neutrality and privacy so the user’s internet experience isn’t being altered to promote a controlled/constructed narrative above all else.