Repeated crashes on 1.3.113 on Mac and Ubuntu

Description of the issue:

Brave crashes a few seconds to a few minutes after startup

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. launch Brave

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

starts up and subsequently crashes

Expected result:

brave continues running indefinitely

Reproduces how often:

Every time on both OS

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

macOS 10.15.3
Ubuntu 19.10 (all latest patches/updates installed)
Version 1.3.113 Chromium: 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

I just uploaded several crash logs from mac: Crash Report ID 33219d823bf9e622 and linux: Crash Report ID d03bb89c023e8592. I have enabled the “Help improve Brave’s features and performance” on both so automatic reports will now be pushed to you.

This makes Brave completely unusable at the moment. it worked fine before today’s update to Chrome 80.

1 Like

Same issue here. This morning I was clicking the link within Brave rewards to open my Uphold account, and then Brave immediately crashed and will not stay open for any amount of time after attempting to navigate to any site or the settings page. Also on a mac with app version

same here, just keep crashing. It seems there’s issue with the sync module, i manage to continue use sync by leaving current sync chain.

I wish I could keep the browser open long enough to change anything about my sync chain…

what if you disconnect from WiFi or ethernet ? Will that help lol ?

Good idea, but sadly, no. Still crashed the moment I try to navigate away from the launch screen in any way.

Same issue here, just updated and Brave closes after about 1 minute. I dont even have to be doing anything, just leave it sit there and it will just close

Thanks everyone for reporting. We are currently investigating what’s going on. Will post updates here.

Same for me on windows 10 pro !

If I go to brave://sync and turn off syncing bookmarks, it seems to stop crashing. Turning it back on causes the crashes to start again.

For what it’s worth, I opened Brave on my iPhone and removed my computer from my sync chain, which seems to have not fixed anything. I’m unable to access the sync menu within Brave on my mac as it crashed every time I try to load it.

Hey all, give the test builds here a shot:

Please let us know if it fixes the crashing for you – could use help testing this!

I’ve downloaded the mac test build and installed - it seems to be improved (I visited google, facebook and reddit without a crash) but it crashed after those sites, and still does not let me open the Sync setting page without a crash.

@adamrust are you on Mojave or Catalina?


Hey @adamrust (and anyone else encountering this), can you open brave://crashes and send the first few reports? (Just click “Send Now”). If you could copy/paste the crash report numbers as well that’d be awesome.

There will be a free t-shirt in this for you, I swear :face_with_monocle:

PSST: make sure Automatically send crash reports to Brave is enabled in the Settings screen as well. :slight_smile:

The trouble there is that going to that page also crashes Brave… I noticed the page rendered for a fraction of a second before crashing, so I took a screen recording and scrubbed through it to see what loaded, screenshot posted below. Unfortunately, I’m not currently able to load the settings page to turn on automatic reporting, but I’ll continue to attempt that because the settings were loading for me before.

Ok, another shocking update. I was able to get automatic reporting turned on, and after the required relaunch to enable it, the crashes are… gone? I haven’t had one crash since then. I’ll update again if things change, but for now, the problem has disappeared.

I was able to upload a couple of the crash reports from when the issue happened, I’ll post them below. Let me know if you’d like more, there’s a lot.






Same problem… None of the binary’s that you shared work as a fix work. The nightly build still works though.

I can get brave to run without crashing using:

sudo /Applications/Brave\\ Browser

bob@acme ~ % sw_vers                
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.15.3
BuildVersion:	19D76

OP here: I’m on Catalina 10.15.3 and Ubuntu 19.10. Installed the update on both and it’s crashing still. Crash reports:



If I turn off sync, the crashes stop both places.