Re: BAT Referrals, and Balance Queries

I need some help in understanding how the rewards actually work, as I cant see my balance increase for some reason, though it shows the number of recent downloads and installations increase in the charts.

Seven things,

  1. There was a increase in the number of downloads and installations in last one day, but no increase in BAT count.

  2. What is the balance that shows at the top (308.56 BAT) and that shows for my site below(282.80 BAT)

  3. The balance on Uphold shows just 43 BAT

  4. How can I transfer the earned BAT to any Exchange or Wallet??

  5. How much time it takes for the referred BAT to show up in my Dashboard??

  6. How the rewards work? Downloads, Install and Confirmed, Can u please explain these?

  7. I want to take this on a bigger scale in promoting BAT through some of my big marketing agencies based in India, can you provide any higher rewards so I can reach out to thousands.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

The counter indicates, so that you can interpret it as a funnel, the number of downloads (someone corrects me, but I think it is the number of clicks on the referral link), the number of actual installations of brave and after a period of use of the user, you get the reward.

To get rewarded for referral link, the user must not only download it, they must use it for 30 days. At that time your reward will be effective.

You can see the * at the end of this link:

** A qualified referral is any user who downloads Brave from your referral page, and proceeds to use the browser for a minimum of 30 days since the browser was first opened.*

I hope I have been helpful if only in part

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Thanks for the input, really appreciate it, So is it a must that the user has to use brave for at least 30 days to get the rewards?

and why my uphold balance shows just 43 BAT, while the dashboard shows 300

and what is the difference in the balance showing in the dashboard, at top and below for my site referral

Hi @cryptotapas - you are paid out on confirmations, which comes from 30 days of continuous use of the browser. We initiated a referral payment on the 8th of every month, which is when the BAT is transferred from your Browser wallet to your Uphold wallet.

The dashboard stats can take up to 48hrs to update, which is likely what you are seeing.

Las estadísticas en la gráfica y el balance de bat ya a tardado mucho en acreditarse tiene desde el 16 de Mayo y todavía sigue ese error. Saludos

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Hi, another issue im facing right now is, the brave publishers page shows as such,

While my uphold is connected, but there is no notification or any to verify my identity. How to verify my uphold? and I hope all my tokens I earned through referral during this period wont be lost right?

Did your Uphold account fully verified @cryptotapas? Based on your screenshot, seems like it’s “not connected properly”.

I would suggest you to reconnect your Uphold account. But by doing so, you’ll not be eligible for this month payout. And you not eligible in first place because that “connection issue”.

But you should be OK for the next payout. And yes, your BAT will stay in your creator account.

Hi Elijuno,
but my account on uphold does show verified, how can I re verify it

You should try reconnect Uphold and you will receive your payment next month

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How can I reconnect? Cant find that option anywhere in the uphold dashboard

Orange box @cryptotapas

Hi, Im currently Getting 500 Error on
why is that??

Go to the website’s settings by clicking the padlock icon and hit Clear data.

Can you be more specific , I am not sure what us Padlock

Hi I tried all possible ways but still the error keeps popping up

Many users have reported about it and majority of people have solved this problem using VPN.
Try logging in using VPN.

Hellos @steeven, Could you help me with some questions regarding the date of referrals and days of confirmation.
It is advisable to get referrals on the date of the payment period, I mean the date before the 8th either the 1st of each month and before the 8th of each month. I see that you are saying that the payment period begins on the 8th of each month, another of my doubts is, if I will not have a problem when crediting my corresponding BAT

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