Question about transfer BAT from uphold to brave wallet?

Description of the issue:

i had issues several times searching how to transfer BAT from uphold to something like cold wallet. (and also because of the small amount). But i’m I’m pretty curious about sending my bats from uphold to my brave wallet. I remember exchange was too high for my small amount. Was acceptable when changed to dodge or solana.

I’ve read some others posts and I’ve got verified wallet and i wanted to know if it’s now possible to receive directly monthly bats in brave wallet, instead of transfert it to another exchange.

I hope this feature is already done or almost in project.

Also, i really don’t know if it’s ok to ask that here but in the case of we can’t direct transfert bat from brave browser to brave wallet … can someone can explain to me how to do the transfert and with the fewest amount of fees. That will make my day. Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

Uphold has getting better with "multiple sources of bats as i could connect 4 different brave rewards with not problem … because il like working and create linux distros , i often lost all my data by crashing my computer.

What operating system are you using?

I’m using ARCH Btw!

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Version 1.56.9 Chromium: 115.0.5790.98 (Build officiel) (64 bits)

Additional Information:

I really like the evolution of brave during all this years, and i recently switch to brave search from 10 years relation with duckduckgo. I hope you’ll add funtions from duck like thèming widgets for dev or small maps when search and also something like bangs and those widgets for time and conversions .

I wish you the best for the future of brave browser and all users :slight_smile:
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

No. The answer is no, you still can’t receive Rewards payouts directly to Brave Wallet.

They are working on a lot of things, including on-chain BAT payouts that may not require KYC/AML. I’m not sure if it will have those payments sent to Wallet or elsewhere. All they’ve done is let us know that it’s a work in progress. Though it’s also been a work in progress for years, they just are hoping and thinking we’re getting closer to the goal. Just no ETA for it.

Thank you for your answer as i réalise, i perhaps post my question in the wrong topic ^^
i hope so much they could achieve that amount of work in great conditions :slight_smile:
Now i’ll have to take my expectations in patience :slight_smile:

I used to swap them into XRP and then transfer them whein I was using Uphold.

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Thanks i’ll do that :+1:

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