Proving I'm Human

I have rewards from viewing ads which are ready to be collected. When I click on “Claim” it takes me to a Captcha where I have to drag and drop the BAT Triangle over a shape, either triangle, square or circle depending on what it says. I have done it maybe 30 times and each time I get a message saying “Hmmm, not quite” and prompts me to try again. I have done it so many times that I do not know what I am doing wrong. Someone please help


I’m having the exact same issue as of today. I updated the browser as well and that didn’t help.


@34a846ec608e603e564b, @eljarhead,
Thank you for reporting. I’ll reach out to Rewards team to see if there are any known issues with this at this time.

In the meantime, can you try completing the captcha in the Rewards Settings page rather than in the Rewards panel directly and see if this makes any difference?

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I have the same problem. I tried to complete the capcha and even though I drag the triangle to the right target it says “not quite” !

I`ve had the same issue. After lots of tries it accepted the right answer, but only on the Settings page. I’d attach a clip that I made but I’m not allowed as a new user… :unamused:


Tried that, I follow the instrucrions and it still says no.

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Mine got accepted after more than 50 tries (actual number, I’m not exaggerating), perhaps if you insist it accepts the right answer…

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For anyone having this issue, can you confirm that you don’t have your screen zoomed in at all? Additionally, are you using a multiple monitor setup?

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None of the above, I use a laotop, no extras attached. Not zooming on anything.

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I do not have my screen zoomed in. I am trying the Captcha under the “Brave Rewards” tab. I’ve tried now a few dozen more times with no acceptance


Hi, I’m having the same issue.
No zoom and no multiple monitor.

I tried the captcha in the rewards panel and the captcha in the “Brave Rewards” tab.

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Same here! It will not accept the correct shape

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Just to say that I am having exactly the same problem. I tried the captcha under the Rewards Settings page and still had no luck.

I have taken a screen recording of it, which I’m providing here (note that the dragged triangle kinda disappears in the recording, for some reason, but is normal in real time):

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Thank you all for the reports. We are looking into the issue now and I will report back as soon as I have more information.

Thank you all for your patience.


I am also having the same problem


i just found a way to finally pass captcha, i changed the zoom setting in windows settings (right click on desktop → display settings) For me it was at 125%, just put it at 100% and try the captcha again. I hope it works for you.


Thank you for reporting this – this is what I meant in my previous reply:


I’m having the same issue and changing the display setting as mentioned above did not help.

2 Likes I recorded it


Hi there, just to add on top that I’m also receiving this same issue, looks exactly like Devora’s video. I’m using a PC, scaling is at 100% and I only have a single monitor.