Problem with brave ad blocker - Vie Faucet website

the problem is on this page

I get this with the brave ad blocker in standard and in strict
and I can’t claim the rewards

with the brave ad blocker deactivated it does not show up
and if I can claim the rewards

could you please identify the problem and fix it?

windows 10
brave Nightly last version

@fanboynz could you fix it please

@fanboynz could you fix it please

@fanboynz could you fix it please

@fanboynz asked if the issue was fixed, back in November 2024

. . . and you replied that the problem was fixed . . . but in December 2024, the issue returned.

You might visit:


. . . and examine the settings.

if the problem has been solved 2 times
in November and December
@fanboynz has done a good job

the problem is the same, so fanboynz knows how to fix it.

this is the third time it has happened again
this time it lasted about 4 months approximately no problems

I don’t know what it’s due to, but the problem occurs again after a while.
I wonder if there is a definitive solution?

@fanboynz could you fix it please