Problem with brave ad blocker

the problem is on this page

I get this with the brave ad blocker in standard and in strict
and I can’t claim the rewards

with the brave ad blocker deactivated it does not show up
and if I can claim the rewards

could you please identify the problem and fix it?

windows 10
brave beta last version

you could identify the problem and fix it please

Do you have a support team that can help you?

Still an issue on the site?

Problem solved thanks you so much @fanboynz

Hi @fanboynz today this problem has returned

could you fix it again please

@fanboynz could you fix it again please

@fanboynz could you fix it again please

In a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


Scroll down that javascript settings page to Allowed to use javascript

Click the Add button

Enter [*.] as the site . . . but do not Enable the following:

  • Current Private session only

Click the Add button

Repeat for:

  • [*.]
  • [*.]
  • [*.]
  • [*.]
  • [*.]
  • [*.]
  • [*.]

Because has an affinity for Google stuff (Developer Tools window [Network tab] for Brave Browser, indicates “firebase” and “googleapis”, and of course, the login prompt suggests using a Google account [but does not mention others of the majors, such as Apple]).

The link that you provide:

redirects to:

I do not have an account, so I did not sign in, but the following is the resulting login window (no mention re adblocking):