i think you are wrong here about what you say as “Extensions” support because regardless of a feature is enabled/disabled , Running/not running, if it has been compiled into the build, then it would be considered as Bloat for many.
It’s not just you, i myself have recently seen many youtube videos on the recommendations to be comprising Anti-Brave theme in the video which means people are starting to hate it
watch the intro
People are mainly upset due to brave keeps pushing crypto… I dont see this as an issue and will continue to use brave as i can turn off all the features which i dont want and performance has always been Great on both Windows 8.1 Host OS and Win 11 Supernova VM.
But just because myself and brave developers team have this view, it doesn’t necessarily mean other users will also feel the same, brave team should think outside of the box from other users points of view rather than sticking with their own point of view about what they think as right.
If the Introduction of more features which are currently introduced and many more yet to come in the future will be considered as bloat regardless of how useful they could be and they seem to upset more people, the users will just find themselves a new browser companion and with the advancements of AI, there will be many more new browsers released in the future making the switch to be easier for the end users who are upset with Brave.
Personally, Locking the users into the Brave Ecosystem by having a Brave Lite version despite its ending up not yielding them any profits is still a wise move only because it increases the Brand’s name, strength, overall userbase and makes the product to be known to even more people and encourages the end user to “try” it due to the Good opinions around it… By Now Brave should have more than 500 million users for it’s capabilities but here we are still below 100 million users.
Not for me, But according to other users who are upset about new features which are being compiled into the stable build, To cater to those userbase & keep them,->Brave should do this because if they don’t, it gives the company a bad image for not listening and once someone decided that you are a bad guy, you’ll be forever seen as bad guy regardless of what you say as you are willing to change and even if you have actually changed. You will never be able to remove that stigma away from someone’s mind once they decided that you are bad and the hatred has been grown up towards you.
What you say as Extension switch are all not the way to consider something as debloated, if it’s compiled in the final build release, then its considered as bloat, period. So Basically to have a truly debloated version of brave, ->>> Brave team should isolate the new brave lite build by recompiling it all over again from scratch without the addition of Brave wallet, rewards, crypto, vpn., brave news…etc
It doesn’t have to completely free, the Brave lite version can still have New tab sponsored images turned on all times without the brave rewards integeration and user interaction with these new tab ads money goes directly to brave team.