Please stop adding bloat

I didn’t know Thorium, incredibly fast and light, thank you so much for sharing!

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i will be using brave forever as long as it exists as i just love it more and also the feeling of fast which you are experiencing maybe also have to do with placebo effect… Because brave already feels very fast if you have powerful hardwares, especially on windows 8.1 but i agree with you ->>that feeling of speed which you are experiencing is what everyone wants, and also having brave lite will significantly reduce ram consumption and the storage space, maybe it can also improve performance but only to a little extent…

Hopefully Brave team understands that the feeling of speed is why people choose a browser to be their default one and not 100+ features… I mean Features are important aswell but speed comes first…it would be a really wise move to have brave lite launched soon in the next 6 months

What kind of bloatware did you observe?

The Brave browser shocked me when I saw that it was automatically running seven different programs upon the boot of my computer. When I had first installed the Brave browser, I had thoroughly examined all options screens to find autoruns exactly like these, so that I could disable them—and I found none of these offered as options which I could toggle to “disabled.”

The Brave browser has saddened and disappointed me severely.

I refer to the following autoruns:

*Brave VPN Wireguard Service (as an executable brave_vpn_wireguard_service.exe)
*Brave Installer (an Active Setup Installed Component)
*Brave Elevation Service (BraveElevationService)
*Brave Update Service (brave)
*Brave Update Service (bravem)
*Brave Vpn Service (BraveVpnService)
*Brave Vpn Wireguard Service (BraveVpnWireguardService)

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I came to Brave when searching for a chrome replacement for my old Xperia XA 2 on Android 9. I deactivated all pre installed Google apps and replaced them with open source APKs to speed it up. There is some bloat on Brave, but Brave lets me tie it off. I don’t use rewards. I just turned off and Brave asked if I like to receive still News about it or if it should shut up about it. Same for wallet, VPN and so on. Biggest bloat on Brave,in my opinion is this crypto/token nonese. But again, I don’t see it on brave even here in the forum I don’t see any rewards related posts. . Maybe there is lots of bloat on Brave I didn’t discover yet because Brave doesn’t bloat about it to me. I’m absolutely fine with that .

The above yt video seems unlisted now

What do you think about this newer one ?

I Hope Brave works on getting positive name in the web space by proving Brave Lite. It will be a huge boost in Reputation.

I have been reading this thread because I switched recently to Brave because Edge is a drag with bloatware… thing is as bad as Chrome / Opera / Edge are, they never installed autoruns on my PC without my consent, I know they do it but none of them inserted a startup program so far.

I have my own VPN and my own network settings and I really don’t like when a browser messes with my OS to install what is forced bloatware.

And I didn’t even realize what happened until I noticed the browser being slow to load websites, I did a fast side-by-side with Edge similar extensions, minus adblockers on Brave… and guess what Edge was loading Brave was trying to load. Then I tried to search in the settings and I see VPN then I check reddit because they had the answer, and boy did open my eyes and I started investigating… and then I realized the toggles inside the Browser that “Supposedly” disable the Brave VPN did nothing to disable it, the service was still active after OS restart and the executable was still executing on start-up.

What is worse, and is already talked about, on the next Brave Update, guess what all I did to disable the bloat will be reenabled. This is not OK, you want to have Brave VPN, cool, do it like the other companies, OS app or browser extension otherwise including it in a Website Renderer is Bloatware.

Screenshot 2023-12-20 213049

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I just moved over to Brave from Firefox and I am seriously reconsidering my choice.

If I can’t find a web client that maintains my sovereign control of my system, I’ll just have to forego the web.

After the sensible requests, by sensible people, for sensible features are ignored and Brave insists on pushing it’s ‘products’, it just seems like Brave are not listening to the community.

Wallet?? O_o

Brave Rewards?? O_o

Do you have any idea how scammy and untrustworthy flashy graphics for a useless feature looks? Most likely not.

These features SHOULD be Brave-made ‘optional extensions.’ It’s what stops me from installing it on my customer’s PCs after repair… I don’t want to spam them with useless features which don’t increase stability, usability or functionality.

The problem of these seldom-used features being tightly integrated is the attack surface area and lack of focus on primary functionality, the reason the project exists in the first place - safe and secure web browsing. Both are red flags… The more time spent on making the graphics for the Brave Rewards thing look snazzy, the less time you’re doing unit tests and security audits. It’s a simple economy.

Function > Form

Do one thing and do it right, not fifteen things at a mediocre level. NOBODY wants THAT.

What people are choosing to do to each other, using technology, is increasingly depressing. It’s inhumane and the fact that most devs and people can’t see that is likely the reason.

It strongly reminds me of Google and why I left them.

Private, for-profit companies are bound to their bottom-line to compromise anything and everything which is NOT linked to the company’s longevity.

Quite fitting, really, that they would push their community away in pursuit of profits, though. Are they looking for more ignorant customers to sell their, now literal, warez to?

Businesses LOVE uninformed, lost and stressed people as their customers. I can’t every be one of those sheeple, though.

Just be a web client. Focussing on anything which is not rendering web content in a safe and secure manner is a red flag.

I will use crypto software to manage my crypto and VPN software to manage my VPN.

A web browser should NOT be managing and establishing VPN connections nor storing and managing my Crypto details - If I had any. I don’t expect Brave to manage SSH passwords or my RSS feeds, so why would it manage my Crypto and VPN connectivity? O_o

Features which some people call ‘user-friendly’ are usually a result of job justification.

Brave devs need to think about things seriously and not play the game of convincement, especially to an audience who can’t, generally speaking, make judgements about software quality.

An ‘initial run’ wizard to import from other browsers, set the basic appearance and functionality, including not opting to install Brave Rewards, Brave VPN, or any other bloatware.

And regarding the added ‘features’ NOT affecting performance… That’s plain wrong or incorrectly measured. Extra conditionals take cycles and adding code and graphics eats RAM.

There’s no wonder modern software is so awful… People have no idea what good software is supposed to look like :cry:

  • Added value features doesn’t mean you have to use it, and doesn’t mean it’s tied to performance.

  • Also we have internal performace continuous monitoring each Brave builds isn’t being impacted by any new changes (including Brave and Chromium changes). If there any variance, it can be investigate and fixed.

  • If bloat is going to cause any issues, battery life would be impacted. And in actual testing, its not. If just using the browser as is, its performance still works well and performs better.


Wow. OK, then. Consider me corrected.

I appreciate the receipts, too.

Sorry for being abrupt.

What if we call it clutter?

Sure, though it can be subjective. Every browser has its own extras (clutter?). There is added value features which how browsers make money, for a “free product”. In the case of Chrome, put the price on your privacy. Firefox and Edge have similar added value front privacy/pages/features.

But yeah, we understand not to overload the user main page. We have UI designers to ensure everything works within the design theme and is the lest distracting. As with all features we offer, they can be configured the way the user wants (and it sticks).


Thank you.

I agree, I’m just very aware of feature creep and, personally, don’t want my web client, (which connects to unknown systems under other people’s control) to overstep it’s boundaries and potentially put my system at risk.

Unless those boundaries can be configures on initial installation…

Has the thought of an initial set-up wizard/page ever crossed the meeting table? It could put all those separate added features in one place after first install and when there’s a feature update it can ask if the user wants to try it or turn it off.

It can also have a donate link?

Just a thought.

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